Tina Randall - Wessex Cancer Trust and attendees from there of Pat's Mindfulness courses 2nd September 2019

This is the saddest news, and shocking. Pat emailed me just 11 days ago to say a diagnosis was still unsure but thought to be an autoimmune muscle wasting disease. She is a wonderful lady; always joyful amidst the pain she endures with rheumatoid arthritis. She has been a gift to Wessex Cancer Trust bringing her passion for mindfulness to us and sharing it with people who have been affected by cancer to help them live a better life. I have loved working with her. She would bring her laughter and enthusiasm into the centre. While the course was running I would sit in the office next door and hear Pat's laugh and voice through the wall knowing our clients were having fun and learning plenty of helpful techniques. Please tell Pat what a bloody special woman she is! She's certainly impacted many lives including mine. I will say a prayer for Pat and wish her a peace passing. With all my love Pat xxx Tina Messages from attendees I am devastated- after 4 years of working for Wessex, Pat is the one to make me cry. I found her so inspiring. If I hadn't of looked through the forget- me- not magazine I wouldn't of found Pat and her mindfulness course which I attended and then of course introduced to Wessex. A cancer survivor who had beaten it the natural way- I brought her book. Pat sat up a monthly mindfulness group on a Saturday after the course had finished- I attended several. Along with Wessex I got so much from the mindfulness- positive quotes and ways to understand my thoughts. I was just thinking the other day that we hadn't had a mindful group for a while. Thank you Pat for helping me to hear the music before the song is over. All my love Maria xxx Pat is a kind and lovely lady please send her my love. Ellen I know I only met Pat on a small number of occasions and I feel so lucky that I was invited on the Mindfulness course and that Pat was the tutor. She’s a super person who with her friendliness, open heart and understanding shone a lot of light into my life. I send Pat my kind regards. Jeanette Pat really has had a very positive impact on people’s lives and I only hope she does have a peaceful and pain free time during her final days. I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet her and be inspired by her attitude to life and how to deal with illness. Ros. Oh Tina I am so sorry to hear about Pat she was so helpful in trying to help me with the course I was sorry I was unable to cope with it. Please tell her I am thinking of her and sorry to hear of her illness. Give her my love too. Julie xx Please send my love and strength to her and to Frank. I don’t think I ever actually thanked Pat. Meeting her and learning from her really has changed me and those things I learnt will stay with me forever. what a strong lady to give her time like she did when she must have known that her own time was so precious. Such a beautiful kind lady inside and out. Rachel x