From Debbie Hunt who attended one of Pat's Mindfulness courses at the Wessex Cancer Trust 2nd September 2019

I was fortunate to be part of your mindfulness course at The Wessex Cancer Trust, Cosham. I am so sorry to hear you are unwell and want you to know you are in my thoughts. I also wanted to know how much you gave our group not only through giving us Mindfulness skills but through the friendships we formed that have been so important to us. At the first meeting I remember thinking ‘this is never going to work, we are all so different’ .... how wrong I was. By nature of our coming together our numbers have depleted, but we still meet the first Monday of every month, our ‘Mindfulness Monday’ Meetings. Without your initial kindness and generosity we would never have embarked on the course and formed the friendships, something for which I am very grateful. I am not the best with words but I just wanted you to know how much you gave us and to wish you peace at this difficult time. Debbie x