Pat's love of Mindfulness

Created by Frank 5 years ago

While finishing her work with Globe Travel Pat started to look around for her next project. One of her best skills was sharing in a classroom what she had learned that would help people. Her early career had a lot of training but she had not done it for many years. So she was looking for a topic that she could train in. She knew she had lots to share. She was looking for a framework in which to take it out so people would come. 

She looked at various things and was close to doing a hypnosis therapy course when she became aware of this thing called Mindfulness. To Pat this was Meditation with a fashionable title. She had learned meditation years ago and so she already 'knew' that. But she need the credentials. Her idea was to do the training, get her certificate then do her own thing. She was not really expecting to learn much new.

Pat looked at the various authorised training routes. She plumped for one operating in Spain that looked promising and came with sunshine. There were lots of steps and two multi-week sessions in Spain plus follow up. These guys did a good job. What Pat did not expect was that there was so much more to learn than 'meditation'. She loved it. It started to shift her own experience and way of approaching life. She became calmer. More generous. More understanding. More lovely. More grateful. And as she started to teach each time she went through the material she gained knew understanding of herself and the material. She was not expecting any of this. It did change her life. And as a result mine too.

Pat ran night classes through a local school as well as some she organised herself. She barely broke even but she loved doing it and the word was spreading slowly. One of her students worked for Wessex Cancer Trust and she loved it asked her boss if it was something they could offer those they were supporting on their cancer journey. Pat had classfuls of eager and grateful students and she got to make a difference for them. Sadly the last class never got the final week because of Pat's illness. But I am sure they are doing well with what they did get.